On Feb 23, 2024 the Lunar Lander Odysseus successfully landed on the Moon bringing Tanya’s first selected work “Philip” to the Moon’s South Pole!✨

In a surprise that was so 2021, noted physicist/writer/collector/curator Dr. Samuel Peralta organized a digital archive of creative work (writing, film and art) called the LUNAR CODEX – launching the works of contemporary artists all over the world in three LUNAR TIME CAPSULES including 6 of my works: “PHILIP”, “PHILIP DYEING HIS BEARD AND EYEBROWS WITH HENNA”, “TIGER”, “SMOKEY EYES / JOËLLE”, JENS” and “LOU”!

read more about the LUNAR CODEX HERE

November 4 – December 31 / 2023


Aardappelmarkt 15, 3311 BA Dordrecht
The Netherlands

Open: every weekend form 1 pm to 5 pm

International FiKVA Award for painters 2023

The FiKVA Foundation announces its 2nd international contest for representational & figurative painters. This competition aims to encourage and support artists financially and provide them with an opportunity to exhibit their best work online.

Enter the paintings produced the last two years you are most proud of, and you could win up to €5000 in cash and other prizes!      

The International FiKVA Award for painters is a global online competition, open to all artists 18 years of age or older. The FiKVA Award welcomes entries in all genres: hyperrealism, photorealism, classical and modern realism, surrealism, and imaginative realism – as long as the artwork reads as representational and not stylized or abstract.


July 9 – August 22 / 2021

Timmermans-Opsomer Museum / Netelaan Museum 4, 2500 Lier
Galerij Artisjok / Antwerpsestraat 64, 2500 Lier

Thursday / Friday / Saterday / Sunday from 2pm to 6pm


April 24 – May 23 / 2021

Het Perron – Fochlaan 1 – Ieper
Open every weekend


March 8 – June 14 / 2021

MEAM – Museu Europeu d’Art Modern
Carrer de la Barra de Ferro 5, Barcelona, Spain

✨My last interview for Fine Art Connoisseur Magazine is out!
Please, follow the link and check it out! 🎀💖💫

ECHTE MENSEN – Solo exhibition
February 6 – 28 / 2021

Cultuurhuis de Bijl, Dorp 1, 2980 Zoersel


OCTOBER 31, 2020 – JANUARY 31, 2021

James Baird Gallery, 14 Gruchy’s Hill, Pouch Cove,
Newfoundland & Labrador,
A0A 3L0 Canada

Announcing a fabulous group exhibition of paintings on the subject of WOMAN including over thirty painters from ten countries.

The current list of participants includes Duma Arantes (Portugal), Tanya Atanasova (Belgium), Abraham Brewster (US), Jen Brown, (US), Antonella Cinelli (Italy), Yury Daraskevitch (US), Vincent Giarrano (US), Alonsa Guevara (Chile/US), Francien Krieg (Netherlands), Amy Hill (US), Sophie Jodoin (Canada), Maya Kulenovic (Canada), Kathrin Longhurst (Australia), Kai McCall (Canada), Tomas Ortolani (Argentina), Mae Read (US), Manu Saluja (US), Sara Scribner (US), Shane Scribner (US), Nicole Sleeth (Canada), Elly Smallwood (Canada), Matt Talbert (US), Rimi Yang (US), Graeme Wilcox (UK) and Anna Wypych (PL)


If you enjoy reading interviews and you’d like to know a little bit more about me – here is a short, open hearted one for amazing Efrat Cybulkiewicz, the foundress of  Ar(t)moire!

Jun 18, 2020

My portrait of Philip Bitrakov got selected for “Shelter” – an online exclusive show curated by Dr. Samuel Peralta and Beautiful Bizarre Magazine reflectet on that!
(ps: I never thought I would ever be published by BBM, let alone three times in the same year! ?)

Check out the link to see who else got selected in this wonderful collection!
See the entire collection on ARTSY! 

May 23, 2020


New Jorg Gallery and I are happy to invite you to this extraordinary post-corona-exhibition!

Tanya Atanasova – paintings, Niko Raes – photography and Jorg Van Daele – sculpture

Open on: May 23 / 24 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31 and Jun 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 from 1 pm – 5 pm

New Jorg Gallery, Spreeuwstraat 6, 2920 Kalmthout

April 30, 2020

Have you seen the two works we made for The Creator and The Muse show side by side? And have you read the story behind? I’m thrilled by this interview with me and Canadian artist  Alessandro Tomassetti about our collaboration. It appeared this month in American Art Collector Magazine!❤️
Big thank you to everyone who worked so hard on The Creator an The Muse: curators Didi Menendez, Sergio Gomez and 33 Contemporary Gallery, Chicago!
Read the interview here and view the virtual show! ?

“Boudoir portrait of Alessandro Tomassetti” by Tanya Atanasova &
“Boudoir portrait of Tanya Atanasova” by Alesandro Tomassetti 

oil on linen, 70 x 70 cm, 2020 / both available from 33 Contemporary Gallery

April 29, 2020

Comming up soon!


April 22, 2020

This year in February, my portrait of Lou won first prize at Boynes Emerging Artist Award. Here is a little interview they published about my work. Take a read! ?

April 15, 2020

I’m thrilled by this interview with me and my partner in crime Artist Alessandro Tomassetti about our collaboration for The Creator and The Muse show. It appeared today in American Art Collector Magazine !❤️
Thank you so much, I can’t wait to get my copy!
Big thanks to everyone who worked so hard on The Creator an The Muse, a special thank you to curators @Didi Menendez, Art NXT Level / Sergio Gomez and 33 Contemporary Gallery!
Visit the link to view the virtual show! ?…/tanya-atanasova

March 21, 2020

My boudoir portrait of Alessandro Tomassetti was published in Beautiful Bizarre Magazine today! ❤️

March 18, 2020

I’m very glad to share my boudoir portrait of phenomenal artist Alessandro Tomassetti with you! I’ve been working on it during the winter months. It is part of a show called The Creator & The Muse, curated by Didi Menendez and Sergio Gomez in which artists from across the world painted portraits of each other. This piece will debut with the rest of the works at the 33 Contemporary Gallery​, Chicago!❤️

15 Feb, 2020

My portrait of Lou won 1st prize at Boynes Emerging Artists Award Australia!

14 Feb, 2020

This year Valentine’s Day brought an incredible news!
It’s been a great honor to work with super talented Canadian artist Alessandro Tomassetti on a project curated by Didi Menendez & Sergio Gomez called The Creator & The Muse, where artists from all over the world painted each other!

This is going to be one stunning show and I’m very happy that both our boudoir portraits of each other got selected!
I can’t show you my portrait of Alessandro just yet, it’s going to be officially revealed at the opening night on May 15, 2020 in the VIP space of Zhou B Art Center, Chicago!
?Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone! And save the date!!! ?

1 Jan, 2020

Dear friends,
my very best wishes for 2020!

In 2020 there are many interesting projects coming up, it will be an exciting year! I can’t tell much about it yet, because the projects are still in a preparatory phase and can’t be communicated yet on social media.

But, I am not disappearing in the first months of the year, I am working on a few commissions for new collectors (I have one more spot left for a comission of a small size work for this year – if you are interested just let me know, I would be happy to discuss options, formats and prices, but keep in mind that there is a waiting list of a few months …)

Also in the pipeline are some exciting group exhibitions in Belgium, Canada and USA. I’ll close the year with a residency stay in Newfoundland (Canada).

For everyone who missed my last solo show at Huis Hellemans, I would also like to reveal here that I have already signed my contract for a new solo exhibition in Belgium – it will be in February 2021, at a beautiful, modern venue, close to Antwerp!

If you don’t feel like missing out on news about upcoming shows, please subscribe to my updates (I only send a few newsletters a year).

I wish you all a beautiful, happy, healthy, inspiring and fulfilling new year, decade & chapter in your life!

Jan 1, 2020

A New Year – A New Piece!!!

140 x 140 cm, oil on Belgian linen, 2019

Dec 20,2019

Bedankt 100% EXPO, Guido Van den Bogaert en Prospekta voor dit laatste interview van 2019!

Oct 20, 2019

Welcome to my current solo show in Edegem, Belgium!

November 16 – December 15 / 2019

Wednesday and Friday from 14.00 to 17.00
Saturday and Sunday from 10.00 to 12.30 and from 14.00 to 17.00

Sep 11, 2019

A new portrait of Philip Bitrakov was finished!

Aug 1, 2019

ATV have popped by yesterday, by the building up of our show Ongezien #4!
Opening night August 3, 7 pm at Port of Antwerp! I see you there guys! ?

July 28, 2019

I’m very excited to invite you to ONGEZIEN #4 group exhibition, which will open at MUSEUMNACHT on August 3, in Antwerp in the fabulous Zaha Hadid building – Port of Antwerp!

I’m thrilled I was selected by Antwerp’s best museum directors and I’m now giving you an extra reason to visit this lovely event at this stunning location!

Vernissage: Aug 3, 2019 from 7 pm to 1 am
Zaha Hadid plein 1, 2030 Antwerp, Belgium

May 18, 2019

“All about hyperrealism and hyperrealist painters” is online!
I’m very happy to be a part of this stunning collection! Huge thank you Jacques, Christoph & Ron!

May 10, 2019

Bored Panda published “You my dear” project on their website!

April 3, 2019

I found another interview about PAINTING TODAY! We’ve been in the news constantly for about a month now!

March 15, 2019

A little video of “PAINTING TODAY / PINTANDO HOY – International Women’s Day” show in European Museum of Modern Art, Barcelona, Spain.
This exhibition showcases works of some of the most impactful female artist in the world! It is stunning, don’t miss it if you are in Barcelona! Exhibition runs until May 5, 2019!

European Museum of Modern Art

Barra de Ferro, 5

March 23, 2019

A beautiful article by Lorena Kloosterboer on “PAINTING TODAY / PINTANDO HOY – International Women’s Day” show in European Museum of Modern Art, Barcelona, Spain!

Dec 4, 2018

I’m thrilled to announce MEAM (Museu Europeu d’Art Modern) Barcelona has selected 4 of my paintings for the ‘Painting Today’ exhibition, celebrating International Women’s Day! It’s held from 8 March through 5 May 2019 and includes some of the world’s best names in contemporary realism!!! I’m beyond honoured to be a part of this mesmerising selection and I’m already inviting you to plan your March-8th-city-trip to Barcelona! Ladies, bring your significant other with you!

Jan 30, 2019

I’m super excited to have 3 of my paintings selected for ADORN ME – an exclusive, upcoming, online show of PoetsArtists! Big thank you to curator Carol Hodes, Sergio Gomez, Zhou B Art Center and Didi Menendez!
Here is an ARTSY-Link for collectors:

Dec 2, 2018

I love the short videos Walter makes for me!
The music comes from:

Dec 1, 2018

I’m very proud to be between “best of 2018” of The Guide Artist Magazine!


Nov 2, 2018

Some pictures from “The Abstract Real”- show in Paris!

Oct 01, 2018

Our next show “The Abstract Real” is coming up soon!
It’s a wonderful international selection of 8 outstanding artists showing their works in Paris! This exhibition will take place in the crypt of La Madeleine – one of the most interesting and touristic places in the heart of Paris (8th arrondissement / just 5 min from The Louvre, Grand Palais and Champs-Elysées) in the week of FIAC (The International Art Fair). So prepare a trip to Paris – there is sooo much to see in this week!

October 12 – 22, 2018, 13.30h – 18h
Opening night 18.30h – 21h
The Royal Hall of La Madeleine, Paris 8th.

Sept 14, 2018

I’m just back in my studio from a short holiday and a new great interview on The Guide Artist Magazine was waiting for me to read! Click HERE if you are interested to read the whole interview (see p.44)

Aug 26, 2018

You can now purchase “The Banana Boy” through PoetsArtist website!

The banana boy

The banana boy / oil on Belgian linen / 140 x 100cm / 2018 / Available through Poets Artists website


Aug 16, 2018

It’s been dream to show my art in China and The Far East! And this is one step towards it – from now on I’m represented by Clatia, China! Super cool!


Aug 6, 2018

It was a lovely night at the BP-building! Thank you Prospekta and DOP-platform for making this possible! Special thanks to Frank Vlayen (Waterland) and Bart Debaere (Director M HKA) for selecting my painting! And thank you friends for your visit – you made Museumnacht unforgettable!!!

You can still visit “Ongezien #3”- show until September 6, Monday to Friday: 9 am – 5.30 pm!
Address: Delen Private Bank, Jan Van Rijswijckslaan 162/11, Antwerp, Belgium

And don’t forget our duo-show “Carolyn Spaenjaers and Tanya Atanasova” is running until August 25 – also not so far from the BP-building! These two exhibitions are perfect to combine!

Gallery Jean is open Monday to Friday: 10 am – 5 pm
Address: Graaf Van Egmontstraat 41, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium

Aug 3, 2018

Don’t miss Museumnacht and “Ongezien #3” – show in the BP-building!
You can visit the exhibition from Aug 5 – Sept 6, 2018 (Monday to Friday: 9am – 5.30 pm) 

Address: Delen Private Bank,
Jan Van Rijswijckslaan 162/11, Antwerp, Belgium

Jully 9, 2018

Jean Gallery proudly invites you to their OPEN GALLERY DAY!
July 15, 2018

Artworks by Carolyn Spaenjaers and Tanya Atanasova
The show is running until August 25!

With drinks and finger food created by one of the most passionate young chefs in Belgium – Chef Filip De Pauw from restaurant Jerom
Jun 17 – Aug 25, 2018 / The gallery is open every week day
Address: Graaf Van Egmontstraat 41, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium

May 25, 2018

A lovely portrait of Philip Bitrakov is finished!

May 28, 2018

Entre-Lacs 2018- LandArt Festival
Project “Living Room” / Installation by Tanya Atanasova & Lorelinde Hoet
28 May – 10 June
Address: Villeneuve d’Ascq, France

May 11, 2018

Studio sneak peek:


May 10, 2018

Meatpack May 25-26-27 / 2018
Address: Samberstraat 42 / 2060 Antwerpen, Belgium

April 14, 2018

Kunstroute Essen – Group Exhibition of the teaching staff of “Tatteljee”
May 5 & 6 / 2018 | 11.00 – 17.00h (overzichtstentoonstelling)
Address: Sint-Antoniusplein 1, Essen, Belgium

January 01, 2018

Happy 2018 everyone!
Let’s start the new year celebrating art!
Everybody’s welcome on the OPENING night of my first show for 2018! 

January 19, 2018 / 17h – 21h

De Winkelhaak, 2060 Antwerp

November 27, 2017

100 Facebook Portraits / PoetsArtists / Publication by Didi Menendez / USA / 2017

November 18, 2017

50 Badass figurative painters to follow on instagram / PoetsArtists / Publication by Didi Menendez / USA / 2017

November 16, 2017

One to watch / Fine Art Connoisseur newsletter / Publication by Andrew Webster / USA / 2017

November 01, 2017

I’ve got a new representation!
From now on you can find my works on Galeria Artelibre!
Please, check out her new page / section “Grandes Autores” :

October 29, 2017

Another great work is finished!!
“Judith, dancing”

July 21, 2017

A new work is finished!
“Lore entangled”

May 11, 2017

My painting “Octoman / Michel” has passed the first selection round of
FIGURATIVAS / MEAM Museum Barcelona! 

October 5, 2018
Exposition of the finalists in “Grote Prijs Piet Staut” competition

Oct 7 – Oct 15 / 2017
Address: Castle Cortewalle, Beveren-Waas, Belgium

La Fête de Mai – LandArt Festival

Apr 5 – Apr 15 / 2016
address: Haut-Bois (Gesves), Belgium

Partcours – Parkunst / Biennale

Contemporary art outdoors / Green walk
Apr 17 – Jul 17 / 2016
address: Woluwe Park, Brussels, Belgium

DecemberWinkel – Art fair

December 4 – 20 / 2015

Address: Heidestatiestraat 47, Kalmthout, Belgium

Kunst @ IJsfabriek

October 17 – 31 / 2015

Address: Lange Leemstraat 372, Antwerp, Belgium

Exhibition “40 JAAR DE MEESTERS”

June 27 & 28 / 2015

Address: Sint Antoniusplein 1, Essen, Belgium

Exposition of the finalists in “Painting of the year – Belgium 2014”

January 25 – May 17 / 2015 at CODA Museum, Apeldoorn
Opening day: Saturday, January 24, at 15 hrs

Address: Vosselmanstraat 299, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands

Kunstroute Essen

May 2 – 3 / 2015
Address: Sint-Antoniusplein 1, Essen, Belgium

ArtEindhoven – Art fair

April 18 – 19 / 2015

Address: The Klokgebouw (former Philips factory), Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Art & Music in The Skybar

 I’m presenting my new works on the most beautiful terrace of Antwerp!

wednesday august 27 from 18.00 hrs.
on the 12th floor of the Lindner hotel
Music with the DC Quintet

Address: Lange Kievitstraat 125, Antwerp, Belgium

Exposition of the 13 finalists in the Belgian edition of “Painting of the year” 2013

 January 9 – april 14 / 2014, Kunstforum Würth, Turnhout

Opening night : thursday january 9, 19 hrs
International Opening: sunday march 1, 13 hrs at Kunstforum Würth Turnhout!